Geddis 06
Project 06 for Geddis Developments, the site is the mature but unused side garden of an existing dwelling a short distance from the North Down coast. The single speculative house is of modest scale and its design continues the strand of investigation into cost effective construction techniques with this client and builder.
The plan form is suggested by the geometry of the garden, and from the building lines and constraints of adjacent and nearby properties. The simple diagonal of the site impressing on the otherwise orthogonal plan. The roof form is derived from an interpretation of the almost casual eaves configurations and inclines evident in simple local vernacular housing and farm buildings, the final selection being determined by economics and ease of assembly.
The plan is configured to allow secluded living to the south and west, with spaces arranged sequentially from public to private, and the ground floor adapts to the existing topography of the garden. Large apertures on opposite corners permit access from the parking courtyard to the front, and to the private garden.
Materials are simple, brick and concrete, and openings are minimal but effective.
Overall floor area 160M2. Scheme currently at Planning Stage.